birth notices to Kevin Frankenfield, webmaster of Frankenfield Reunion,
at |
2000 | Kyle Andrew Russell, born 3 Aug 2000 Reid Franklin Pro, Born 17 Dec 2000, son of Kim Ann Frankenfield-Pro, Esq. and Dr. Jeffery Willis Pro. |
2001 | Collin Malloy Herty, born 10 Jun
2001 son of John Malloy Herty and Helena Diane Wilker Herty grandson of
Lois Frankenfield |
2002 | Noah Short, born March 2002 son of
Kerri Werkheiser (B1-11-2-4-2-2-1) and Dennis Short) grandson of Barry
Werkeiser (B1-7-7-2-3-1) and Janet Frankenfield (B1-11-2-4-2-2) |
2007 | Logan Kenneth
Frankenfield was born on May 25,2007. He is the son of Melissa Frankenfield,
grandson of Blair K Frankenfield. He is partially named after his grandfather
Kenneth Frankenfield from Fountain Hill, Pa. |
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